[20231121]oracle SYS_GUID的组成.txt

[20231121]oracle SYS_GUID的组成.txt


SYS_GUID generates and returns a globally unique identifier (RAW value) made up of 16 bytes.
On most platforms, the generated identifier consists of a host identifier, a process or thread identifier of the process
or thread invoking the function, and a nonrepeating value (sequence of bytes) for that process or thread.

The Oracle Database SYS_GUID function does not return a standard UUID since the generated GUID is not a random number.
(see: IETF RFC 4122 version 4 UUID, and Oracle dbms_crypto.randombytes and Enhancement Suggestion).


Oracle数据库SYS_GUID函数不返回一个标准的UUID,因为生成的GUID不是一个随机数。(请参见: IETF RFC 4122版本4的UUID,以及
Oracle dbms_crypto.randombytes和增强建议)。



SCOTT@book> @ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

$ cat guid.sql
column seq_inc_by_1 format a12
column PROC_SPID fromat a20
with sq as (select sys_guid() gid, s.logon_time, p.spid, s.sid, s.serial#, p.pid from v$session s, v$process p
             where s.paddr=p.addr and (s.sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1)))
select substr(gid, 1, 12) seq_inc_by_1
      ,substr(gid, 13, 4)||'(='||to_number(substr(gid, 13, 4), 'XXXXXX')||')' proc_spid  
      ,substr(gid, 17, 4) unknown_1
      ,substr(gid, 21, 8) unix_host_id
      ,substr(gid, 29, 4) unknown_2
from sq;

SCOTT@book> @ guid
SEQ_INC_BY_1 PROC_SPID            UNKNOWN_ UNIX_HOST_ID     UNKNOWN_ GID                              LOGON_TIME          SPID          SID    SERIAL#     PID
------------ -------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- -------
0B6B3CC961E4 7E19(=32281)         E063     4E64A8C0         88E6     0B6B3CC961EA7E19E0634E64A8C088E6 2023-12-01 11:19:32 32281          18        805      25

SCOTT@book> @ guid
SEQ_INC_BY_1 PROC_SPID            UNKNOWN_ UNIX_HOST_ID     UNKNOWN_ GID                              LOGON_TIME          SPID          SID    SERIAL#     PID
------------ -------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- -------
0B6B3CC961EB 7E19(=32281)         E063     4E64A8C0         88E6     0B6B3CC961F17E19E0634E64A8C088E6 2023-12-01 11:19:32 32281          18        805      25


$ hostid

$ hostid | od -t x4|  xxd -r -p
--//od -t x4 转换的结果还是不对,但是反转过来读就可以跟前面的UNIX_HOST_ID对上。

$ hostid | od -t x4 | xxd -r -p | strings| rev

$ hostid | od -t x4 | cut -c8-| xxd -r -p | rev

SEQ_INC_BY_1 ( 1-12): session own Sequence Number, increase 1 per sys_guid call, initiated by a number related to
                            v$session logon_time
PROC_SPID    (13-16): v$process.spid
UNKNOWN_1    (17-20): (E063 or E064)
UNIX_HOST_ID (21-28): hostid command output (Linux little endian, 4 bytes reverse order)
UNKNOWN_2    (29-32) :    

SCOTT@book> @ guid
SEQ_INC_BY_1 PROC_SPID            UNKNOWN_ UNIX_HOST_ID     UNKNOWN_ GID                              LOGON_TIME          SPID          SID    SERIAL#     PID
------------ -------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- -------
0B6BA3598106 8037(=32823)         E063     4E64A8C0         B041     0B6BA359810C8037E0634E64A8C0B041 2023-12-01 11:48:14 32823          18        807      25

SCOTT@book> @ guid
SEQ_INC_BY_1 PROC_SPID            UNKNOWN_ UNIX_HOST_ID     UNKNOWN_ GID                              LOGON_TIME          SPID          SID    SERIAL#     PID
------------ -------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- -------
0B6BA359810D 8037(=32823)         E063     4E64A8C0         B041     0B6BA35981138037E0634E64A8C0B041 2023-12-01 11:48:14 32823          18        807      25

SCOTT@book> @ guid
SEQ_INC_BY_1 PROC_SPID            UNKNOWN_ UNIX_HOST_ID     UNKNOWN_ GID                              LOGON_TIME          SPID          SID    SERIAL#     PID
------------ -------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- -------
0B6BA3598114 8037(=32823)         E063     4E64A8C0         B041     0B6BA359811A8037E0634E64A8C0B041 2023-12-01 11:48:14 32823          18        807      25

--//似乎SEQ_INC_BY_1 按+7递增。
--//6 =6 D = 13 14 = 20
--//E4 = 228 EB = 235

--//0B6BA359810D = 12556929958157
--//0B6BA3598114 = 12556929958164

with sq1 as (select /*+ materialize */ level         nr, substr(sys_guid(), 1, 12) guid_12 from dual connect by level <= 1e6)
    ,sq2 as (select /*+ materialize */ level + 1*1e6 nr, substr(sys_guid(), 1, 12) guid_12 from dual connect by level <= 1e6)
    ,sq3 as (select /*+ materialize */ level + 2*1e6 nr, substr(sys_guid(), 1, 12) guid_12 from dual connect by level <= 1e6)
select min(nr) min_nr, max(nr) max_nr
      ,min(guid_12) min_guid_12, max(guid_12) max_guid_12
      ,count(*) nr_count
      ,to_number(max(guid_12), 'xxxxxxxxxxxx') - to_number(min(guid_12), 'xxxxxxxxxxxx') + 1 nr_count
(select * from sq1
 select * from sq2
 select * from sq3);

    MIN_NR     MAX_NR MIN_GUID_12              MAX_GUID_12                NR_COUNT   NR_COUNT
---------- ---------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------- ----------
         1    3000000 0BE7D7EAE1FF             0BE7D818A8BE                3000000    3000000

So SEQ_INC_BY_1 is a Sequence Number, increasing 1 per sys_guid call, initiated by a number related to epoch time of
v$session logon_time (probably cached in each v$process.spid).

SEQ_INC_BY_1 is 12 hex digits, with maximum decimal value:

SCOTT@book> set numw 15
SCOTT@book> select to_number(lpad('F', 12, 'F'), lpad('X', 12, 'X')) n20 from dual;

The last 6 digits represents a pure calling sequence number, the rest prefix digits are UNIX epoch seconds. So the
maximum seconds is:


Since 281474976 seconds is about 3258 days (281474976/86400) or about 9 years, sys_guid is wrapped on overflow about
each 9 years. The first 10 reset datetime can be projected as follows:

--//281474976/86400/365 = 8.92551293759512937595

select level NR#
      ,to_date('1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') + level*281474976/86400 datetime
  from dual connect by level <= 10;

            NR# DATETIME
--------------- -------------------
              1 1978-12-02 19:29:36
              2 1987-11-03 14:59:12
              3 1996-10-04 10:28:48
              4 2005-09-05 05:58:24
              5 2014-08-07 01:28:00
              6 2023-07-08 20:57:36
              7 2032-06-08 16:27:12
              8 2041-05-10 11:56:48
              9 2050-04-11 07:26:24
             10 2059-03-13 02:56:00
10 rows selected.

16 bytes sys_guid is a 32 long raw hex value. In each interval, 10/16 of them are starting with number 0-9, 6/16 with

Given a sys_guid, we can estimate its datetime by:

SCOTT@book> @ guid
SEQ_INC_BY_1 PROC_SPID            UNKNOWN_ UNIX_HOST_ID     UNKNOWN_ GID                              LOGON_TIME          SPID          SID    SERIAL#     PID
------------ -------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- -------
0B6BA3598114 8037(=32823)         E063     4E64A8C0         B041     0B6BA359811A8037E0634E64A8C0B041 2023-12-01 11:48:14 32823          18        807      25

with sq as (select to_number(substr('0B6BA359811A8037E0634E64A8C0B041', 1, 12), lpad('X', 12, 'X'))/1e6 epoch_reminder from dual)
select epoch_reminder
      ,to_date('2023*JUL*08 20:57:36', 'YYYY*MON*DD hh24:mi:ss') + epoch_reminder/86400 estimated_datetime
from  sq;

--------------- -------------------
 12556929.95817 2023-12-01 04:59:46

$ xdate '2023-12-01 11:48:14' 2

$ xdate '2023-12-01 04:59:46' 2

--//相差 1701402494-1701377986 = 24508

SCOTT@book> @ guid
SEQ_INC_BY_1 PROC_SPID            UNKNOWN_ UNIX_HOST_ID     UNKNOWN_ GID                              LOGON_TIME          SPID               SID         SERIAL#     PID
------------ -------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------ --------------- --------------- -------
0BE7D818A905 2FFC(=12284)         E063     4E64A8C0         FA2B     0BE7D818A90B2FFCE0634E64A8C0FA2B 2023-12-07 15:59:10 12284               36            7121      26

with sq as (select to_number(substr('0BE7D818A90B2FFCE0634E64A8C0FA2B', 1, 12), lpad('X', 12, 'X'))/1e6 epoch_reminder from dual)
select epoch_reminder
      ,to_date('2023*JUL*08 20:57:36', 'YYYY*MON*DD hh24:mi:ss') + epoch_reminder/86400 estimated_datetime
from  sq;

--------------- -------------------
13090390.845707 2023-12-07 09:10:47

$ xdate '2023-12-07 15:59:10' 2

$ xdate '2023-12-07 09:10:47' 2

--//1701935950-1701911447 = 24503

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